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Power Outages

If your power has gone out or you're having trouble with your electricity, call our outage/after hours phone number:


We're available 24 hours a day.

If you're having a life-threatening emergency, call 911.

Do not approach a downed power line. Keep a distance of least 10 metres and call your local hydro office and 911

Scam Alert

Aug 4, 2021

Scam Alert!

We have been informed customers are receiving telephone calls advising Wellington North Power Inc. (WNP) has been sold and you must pay an overdue balance immediately or your hydro service will be disconnected.

This is a SCAM!

WNP has not been sold, do not agree to pay and do not give any details to the caller.

We do not threaten disconnection of electricity services over the telephone and we follow the disconnection rules set by the Ontario Energy Board.

If you are concerned, please call us at 519-323-1710 or e-mail customerservice@wellingtonnorthpower.com