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Interested in helping shape the future of your local hydro company?

Nov 21, 2022

Call For Nominations:

The Townships of Wellington North and Southgate as the shareholders of Wellington North Power Inc. (WNP) are accepting nominations for two community representative positions on the Board of Directors.

Wellington North Power Inc. is a local electricity distribution company serving the urban areas of Arthur, Mount Forest and Holstein. The Board of Directors manages the business and affairs of the Corporation on behalf of the shareholders. Board appointments are for four-year terms. Board members are expected to sit on at least one corporate committee and attend monthly Board of Directors meetings.

If you would like to be part of the Board that will help shape the future of Wellington North Power, please forward an expression of interest including background information regarding your skills and experience and how they will enhance Wellington North Power to the attention of Brooke Lambert, CAO-Township of Wellington North, up to December 12, 2022.

Council of the Township of Wellington North in consultation with the Township of Southgate will consider all submissions along with the intentions of the current directors who are eligible for re-appointment. Interviews of candidates may be required. Formal appointment of Board members will take place in early 2023.

Submissions to be sent to:

Karren Wallace, Director Legislative Services/Clerk
Township of Wellington North
P.O. Box 125, 7490 Sideroad 7 West
Kenilworth, ON N0G 2E0
Fax: (519) 848-3551
E-mail: kwallace@wellington-north.com

View this information on the Township of Wellington’s website at:

In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the information gathered will be used solely for the selection of a candidate(s). We thank all applicants who apply for this position, but only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.