How to Avoid Disconnection
Helping You Stay Connected
Want to avoid being disconnected? Wellington North Power is here to help you:
- Sign up for Pre-Authorized Payment to never miss a payment.
- Not able to pay before the Due Date? Contact us to dicuss setting up a payment arrangement.
- Apply for financial support through the Ontario Electricity Support Program or the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program.
- Become more energy efficient.
By taking action, you will avoid late payment fees and/or disconnection charges.
Understanding Your Bill
Remittance Stub
The remittance section can be separated at the perforation and used to pay your bill at most financial institutions. To ensure accuracy, it is also helpful for our customer service staff if you provide the stub when paying the bill at our office or when dropping payment in the drop box.
- Customer Account Number: A numeric account identifier specific to the service address and the current customer. When you contact customer service, please provide this account number. Also use this number when setting up Telephone or Online banking services. Note, in some cases the account’s preceding 000’s are required when setting up banking services.
- Interest After Date: All bills are due when rendered. Any unpaid balance at this date will begin accumulating interest.
- Service Address: The specific address the bill pertains to.
- Mailing Address: The specific mailing address for this account. Please keep us informed of any changes to this address.
Meter Information
- Meter Number: Electric and/or Water meter numbers (where applicable).
- Read Dates: The date your meter was read previously and the current read dates. These dates are used to calculate the number of Billing Days.
- Meter Readings: The read taken on your previous read date and your current read. These reads are used to calculate your Usage.
- Adjusted Usage: This is the usage used to calculate your Electricity charges. (Usage x Adjustment Factor).
- Billing Summary: This box tracks all activity on your account since your last bill.
- Security Deposit: The total deposit held on your account.
- Comparison to Last Year: This information compares your electric and water (where applicable) usage to last year’s consumption.
- Electricity Charges: The cost of electricity supplied to you, billed at a rate as determined by the Ontario Energy Board or by your retailer if you have signed a contract. For more information on your electricity options and pricing, visit the Ontario Energy Board Website at
- Delivery Charges: The cost of delivering electricity from generators to your utility, then to your home or business.
- Regulatory Charges: The costs of administering the electricity market, billed at rates as determined by the Ontario Energy Board.
- Debt Retirement Charge: A rate set by the Ministry of Finance to pay down the residual stranded debt of the former Ontario Hydro.
- Water and Sewer Charges: Rates as determined by The Township of Wellington North.
- Current Charges: The total of the current bill.
- Total Amount Due: The total of the current bill plus any previous balance.
Watch this box for important information and updates.