Wellington North Power
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How to Avoid Disconnection

Helping You Stay Connected

Want to avoid being disconnected? Wellington North Power is here to help you:

  • Sign up for Pre-Authorized Payment to never miss a payment.
  • Not able to pay before the Due Date? Contact us to dicuss setting up a payment arrangement.
  • Apply for financial support through the Ontario Electricity Support Program or the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program.
  • Become more energy efficient.

By taking action, you will avoid late payment fees and/or disconnection charges.

Useful Information from Wellington North Power Inc.

Timing of your Invoice

  • Your electricity meter is read remotely on the 1st day of each month.
  • Bills will typically arrive by mail on approx. the 20th of every month.
  • Bill payment is due 20 days from the bill date.
    (Example: usage of January 1 to January 31 will be mailed out on approx. 16th of February with a Due Date in March.)


Your First Bill

  • An electricity occupancy charge of $30.00 will appear on first bill only.
  • Water and Sewer setup fees of $26.15 for each service will be charged on first bill only.
  • Water and Sewer flat rate charges will be prorated for all first and final invoices.


How to Pay Your Bill

  • Cash, cheque and debit accepted in our office between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday.
  • Pay online or at your bank.
  • Sign up for pre-authorized payments – automatic withdrawals from your bank account on the payment Due Date of the electricity bill.
  • Pay by credit card through our website or call 1-877-812-7650.
  • Credit card payments are handled through a third-party and a service transaction fee will be applied.
  • For more information about payment options, click here.


Pay Your Bill

  • It is your responsibility to contact our office if you do not receive a bill or are unable to pay by the Due date.
  • Interest of 1.50% per month is charged on accounts not paid on time from the Billed Date not the Due date.
  • Overdue Notice – you will receive a friendly automated phone reminder if you have an overdue balance.
  • Disconnections Notices will be delivered by mail 14 days after overdue notice.
  • Wellington North Power Inc. will attempt to contact customers to advise which day disconnection will occur.
  • Non-payment of accounts is costly to you and every other person within our community.


Payment Arrangements

  • OEB prescribed Arrears Payment Agreements may be available for low-income customers, Residential and General Service <50 kW (small business) customers.
  • Call our office at 519-323-1710 or e-mail customerservice@wellingtonnorthpower.com for further details.



  • Deposits are calculated using 2½ the average or 2½ times the highest bill depending on your credit history.
  • Residential customers can provide a letter of credit from another utility company or sign up to Pre-authorized Payments to have the deposit waived.
  • Low-income residential customers may be eligible to have their deposit waived.


Water and Sewer

Wellington North Power Inc. bills the water and sewer on behalf of the Township of Wellington North for Arthur & Mount Forest.
Concerns about quality of the water, rates or services? Please call the water department at 519-848-3620 or visit Township of Wellington North.


Manage Your Account On-line and Paperless Bills

Once you received your first bill, you can register for MyWNP – an on-line tool that enables you to view your energy consumption, payment history and receive e-bill notifications.

You will receive e-bill notification when your latest bill is produced allowing you to view or download it.

Register for MyWNP here.


Time-of-Use (TOU) Pricing and Hours

Consumers pay different prices depending on when they use electricity.
There are three time-of-use periods:

  • On-Peak – when demand for electricity is generally higher. There are the busier times of day – generally when people are cooking and running heater or air-conditioners.
  • Mid-Peak – when demand for electricity is moderate. These periods are during the daytime, but not the busiest times of the day.
  • Off-Peak – when demand for electricity is generally lower. This price applies in the evenings on weekdays and all day on weekends. Every household and small business is different, but on average, Ontario households use nearly two thirds of their electricity during off-peak hours.

Time-of-Use prices are designed to better reflect the cost of power at different times of the day, encouraging consumers to use electricity during lower-cost time periods that in turn can ease pressure on the provincial power system. The Time-of-Use periods applied across Ontario are:


Summer: May 1-October 31 Winter: November 1-April 30
Off-Peak 7:00 pm to 7:00 am Off-Peak 7:00 pm to 7:00 am
Mid-Peak 7:00 am to 11:00 am
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Mid-Peak 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
On-Peak 11:00 am to 5:00 pm On-Peak 7:00 am to 11:00 am
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
All weekends and Statutory Holidays are Off Peak

Tiered Prices

With Tiered prices, consumers can use a certain amount of electricity each month at a lower price. Once that limit (called a threshold) is exceeded, a higher price applies. The threshold normally changes with the season to reflect changing usage patterns. In the winter period (November 1 – April 30), the Tier threshold for residential customers is 1,000 kWh, so that households can use more power at the lower price. In the summer period (May 1 – October 31), the Tier threshold for residential customers is 600 kWh. Tiered prices give you the flexibility to use electricity at any time of day at the same price, although that price will change if you exceed the threshold during the month.


Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) Pricing and Hours

Consumers pay different prices depending on when they use electricity.
There are four ULO price periods:

  • Ultra-Low overnight – when demand for electricity is lowest on average.
  • Weekend Off-peak – when demand for electricity is generally lower.
  • Mid-peak – when demand for electricity is moderate.
  • On-peak – when demand for electricity is highest on average.

The ULO price periods are the same in summer and winter:

  • Ultra-Low overnight – Every day: 11 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
  • Weekend Off-peak – Weekend & holidays: 7:00 am to 11 p.m.
  • Mid-peak – Weekdays: 7:00 am to 4:00 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
  • On-peak – Weekdays: 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


Customer Choice: TOU, Tiered & Ultra-Low Overnight

If you’re a residential or small business customer and not on a contract with a retailer, you can choose to be billed on TOU prices, Tiered prices or Ultra-Low Overnight prices. As a new customer, you will be set-up to be billed on TOU prices unless you notify us on the New Connection Form. To switch, you must notify Wellington North Power Inc. by completing an Election Form.

More information at the Ontario Energy Board’s website at: https://www.oeb.ca


Energy Conservation

Visit the IESO’s website for energy saving tips and programs at: https://www.saveonenergy.ca


Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP) – Low-Income Residential Customers

The Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP) provides monthly on-bill credits for lower-income customers to reduce their electricity bills. If your total household income falls below a certain limit, you may qualify for a reduction on your electricity bill through the OESP. You must apply for this program.

For more information visit https://ontarioelectricitysupport.ca or call 1-855-831-8151.


If a Retailer Contacts You

  • Ask for identification (a business card or ID) and do not share your personal information (e.g. your bill).
  • Carefully read the contract – you have consumer rights, see: https://www.oeb.ca/consumer-protection
  • Wellington North Power Inc. does not go door to door.


Conditions of Service and Privacy Policy

Find our Conditions of Service and Privacy Policy is on our web site.


Follow Us on Social Media

Follow us on social media for information, energy-saving tips, power outage updates and safety.