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Payment Options

Wellington North Power Inc. has a variety of ways to make sure your payment is processed promptly. We offer these payment options to serve you best and to fit your schedule.

1. Set-up Pre-Authorized Payment From A Bank Account:
Please click here for a Pre-Authorized Payment form.  Fill out the form and submit it to us.
We will confirm receipt of your completed form and set up your account to be paid by automatic withdrawal from your bank account on the Due Date of the electricity bill.

2. Use the Bill Payment Options Provided From Your Bank:
– Personal Banking
– Telephone Banking
– Online Banking

3.  Pay by Credit Card:
Click here to pay through our website  or call 1-877-812-7650 for an automated service
Credit card payments are handled through a third-party and a service transaction fee will be applied

4. Visit Our Office: Please call or e-mail to schedule an appointment.
Address: 290 Queen Street West, Mount Forest
Monday – Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm (Excluding Holidays)
Interac Available

5. Mail Your Payment:   (**For your own security, please do not mail cash**)
Mailing address: Wellington North Power Inc. PO Box 359, Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L0

6. Use Our Two Drop Boxes:
– Mount Forest: Wellington North Power Inc. at main entrance
(**For your own security, do not put cash in drop boxes**)

For consideration:

A. Equal Payment Plan – Pay the same amount every month:
We estimate your annual electricity cost and spread it over 12 equal monthly installments.
The equalized amount is automatically withdrawn from your bank.
Call us for information at 519-323-1710 or e-mail customerservice@wellingtonnorthpower.com

B. Equal Billing Plan
We bill you an equal amount each month based on your previous 12-month average.
Call us for information at 519-323-1710 or e-mail customerservice@wellingtonnorthpower.com

C. Are you in Arrears? The OEB-prescribed Arrears Payment Agreement may help:
The Ontario Energy Board-prescribed Arrears Payment Agreement (APA) program may help clear arrear balances.
Conditions apply – if you default on your payment arrangement the APA may be cancelled.
Call us for information at 519-323-1710 or e-mail customerservice@wellingtonnorthpower.com