Wellington North Power
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Time-Of-Use Prices

February 8, 2025, 8:36 am

Off-Peak - ¢/kWh

Saturday, Sunday & Holidays Winter Time-of-Use (TOU) Hours

Power Outages

If your power has gone out or you're having trouble with your electricity, call our outage/after hours phone number:


We're available 24 hours a day.

If you're having a life-threatening emergency, call 911.

Do not approach a downed power line. Keep a distance of least 10 metres and call your local hydro office and 911

Latest News

COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program for Small Business (CEAP-SB)

COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program for Small Business (CEAP-SB) is a new program from the Government, launched on August 31, 2020. CEAP-SB is a time-limited program providing a one-time on-bill credit to electricity and natural gas for small businesses or registered...