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Postal Delays – Be Prepared

Canada Post to restart operations on December 17, 2024. Expect delivery delays of mail and parcels through the remainder of 2024...

Postal Strike… Be Prepared

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers has announced a postal strike effective Friday, November 15th. We encourage you to prepare...

Power Outages

If your power has gone out or you're having trouble with your electricity, call our outage/after hours phone number:


We're available 24 hours a day.

If you're having a life-threatening emergency, call 911.

Do not approach a downed power line. Keep a distance of least 10 metres and call your local hydro office and 911

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Jan 31, 2025

Your local hydro company, Wellington North Power Inc., is conducting a Customer Satisfaction Survey by e-mail and telephone from February to March 2025.

You may receive an e-mail or telephone call from a company called OraclePoll on behalf of Wellington North Power. We want to assure our customers this survey is genuine and no personal identifying information is asked, provided or collected.

This survey is important to us and we encourage you to participate and share your thoughts. If you have any questions, please contact us at 519-323-1710 or e-mail customerservice@wellingtonnorthpower.com

All electricity distribution companies in Ontario are required to survey their customers to measure their level of satisfaction as mandated by the energy regulator, the Ontario Energy Board.