Your local hydro company, Wellington North Power Inc., is conducting a Customer Satisfaction Survey by e-mail and telephone from...
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Postal Delays – Be Prepared
Canada Post to restart operations on December 17, 2024. Expect delivery delays of mail and parcels through the remainder of 2024...
MyWNP – A Self-Service Portal for Our Customers
“MyWNP” is Wellington North Power Inc.'s on-line portal for our customers to view your bills, select paperless billing, review...
Postal Strike… Be Prepared
The Canadian Union of Postal Workers has announced a postal strike effective Friday, November 15th. We encourage you to prepare...
November 1, 2024 – New Time-of-Use (TOU), Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) and Tiered prices. And on-bill OER credit to reduce.
Also, Winter TOU hours and the change in the Tier threshold for residential customers on Tiered pricing will take effect...
Wellington North Power Inc. applies to the Ontario Energy Board for approval to adjust our electricity distribution rates effective May 1, 2025
Electricity rates and services are regulated by the Ontario Energy Board, an independent provincial government agency. 2025...
Power Outages
If your power has gone out or you're having trouble with your electricity, call our outage/after hours phone number:
We're available 24 hours a day.
If you're having a life-threatening emergency, call 911.
Do not approach a downed power line. Keep a distance of least 10 metres and call your local hydro office and 911
COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program for Small Business & Registered Charities
COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program for Small Business (CEAP-SB) is a new program from the Government, launched on August 31, 2020. CEAP-SB is a specific, time-limited program to provide a one-time, on-bill credit to electricity and natural gas small business consumers who have experienced hardships as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program for Small Business (CEAP-SB) is a new program from the Government, launched on August 31, 2020. CEAP-SB is a specific, time-limited program to provide a one-time, on-bill credit to electricity and natural gas small business consumers who have experienced hardships as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
One-time Credit:
Eligible customers can receive a one-time credit of $425 applied to their hydro bill (or $850 if they primarily use electricity for heating).
Utilities will begin accepting applications for CEAP-SB on August 31, 2020.
Read the information below to see if you qualify for financial assistance – if so, click on link at the end of this message to download a CEAP-SB Application Form to complete and send to us.
Eligibility and Credit:
- General Service<50 rate class – small businesses with a registered business number and charities with a charitable registration number
- Available to the above customers, including those that have a contract with an electricity retailer who meet the following:
- Customers who have fallen behind on their bill payments on account of COVID, the account holder’s account was in good standing on March 17, 2020, and the account was not enrolled in a payment agreement for amounts owing prior to March 17.
- The account holder has failed to make completed payment on account on at least two electricity bills issued since March 17 and has an overdue balance on the date of their application for CEAP-SB. Account holders whose ability to pay was impacted by COVID and enrolled in a payment agreement for amounts incurred following March 17, 2020 are eligible.
- The customer was required to close for at least 15 calendar days after March 17, 2020 as a result of a government order or inability to comply with public health recommendations. “Closed” means that the customer was unable to maintain regular operations – that required them to either fully close operations, limit access to their premises or limit the services provided, or availability to public. Examples include:
- Personal services (e.g. hair salon, chiropractor) that had to fully close
- A restaurant or coffee shop that had to close regular dining operations and provided only takeaway or delivery service.
- A small fashion retailer or pet store whose premises was closed to the public but was able to provide contactless curbside pick for customers.
- A non-publicly funded registered charity whose premises was closed to the public but was able to adapt to provide limited services remotely
CEAP-SB credit will be available only once per account holder, and a customer can only receive the credit once, even if it has multiple locations.
How to Apply:
To apply for this credit, you need to complete and submit a CEAP-SB Application Form.
Contact us by:
Call: 519-323-1710
This program is being provided by and funded by the Government of Ontario, not Wellington North Power Inc.