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COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) Allocated Funding Depleted

May 28, 2021

We wanted to thank the Ministry of Energy and the Ontario Energy Board for the creation of the COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) and for giving us the opportunity to help our customers pay their bills during a difficult time. Since July 2020, we have received $20,785 in CEAP funds which has assisted 47 residential customers and 12 small business customers during the pandemic.

Unfortunately, all our CEAP funds have been fully dispersed to assist our customers who need it most.  The Ministry of Energy has confirmed no additional funding will be provided for CEAP for 2021.

In Ontario, CEAP has assisted more than 62,000 households and 13,000 small businesses.

CEAP funding is provided by the Government and dispersed to eligible customers by electricity and gas utilities.