Wellington North Power
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Phone: 519-323-1710
Fax: 519-323-2425
Outages and Repairs: 519-323-1710

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Wellington North Power Inc.
290 Queen Street West
PO Box 359
Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L0

About Us



To be regarded within the province of Ontario as an industry leader in the safe, reliable and cost efficient distribution of electricity.


Wellington North Power Inc. shall provide its customers with the most cost effective delivery of electricity safely, reliably and efficiently. This will be done while providing superior customer service and promoting customer education and green initiatives within its service area.


All individuals and companies associated with WNP will demonstrate the utmost honesty, integrity and respect. They will exhibit the highest levels of dedication, professionalism and accountability. They value their personal safety and those of their co-workers, customers and members of the community. They recognize the importance of cost efficiency and forthright, timely and accurate communication. They promote the wellbeing and economic prosperity of the local community as represented by WNP’s shareholders.



  • Manage a safe and reliable distribution system in an efficient and cost-effective manner:
  • Provide outstanding customer service:
  • Continue to increase shareholder value:
  • Meet all regulatory obligations